ok here goes,,,i have always had irregular periods,,,last october i was given meds to regulate them after the depo shot,,,from oct untill jan i hard a period like clockwork every month at the right time,,in feb i had no period at all,,,i got my period in march,,,this month i was due for af on the 13th,,,i had been having symptoms of pregnancy for a little over a week,,sore boobs,,,nausea,,,gas,,,fatique,,,increase in appetite etc,,,i done a test on the 17th and got a faint positive i tested for the following 3 days with fmu and got the same results but only on one brand and negs on others,,,went to the doc who done a urine test there on the 19th and it was neg,,,got up on the saturday 20th and had started bleeding,,,it was very heavy and very dark with very very severe cramps,,,over the day the heavy bleeding slowed down to just spotting which remained untill the thursday and the cramps wore of the same day i started bleeding,,so a whole day of cramping few hours of heavy bleeding and then 5 days of just spotting brownish discharge,,,my normal periods are heavy and full on but my cramps had never been that bad and normally my bleeding is heavy for the first 4-5 days and then spot untill 7-9 days,,,well because it seemed strange i went to the doctors again on the tuesday 23rd and he said a possible miscarriage i had a blood test the following day which came bk below 5 indicating i was not pregnant,,,i have had 2 kids already and can not shift the feeling that i am indeed pregnant,,,i still have some of the symptoms like frequent urination,,nausea on and of and a tingly feel to my boobs through out the day,,when my mum was pregnant with me she had light bleeding around the tim eaf would be due for the first 3 months,,,is it possible that i could be and it was just early when tested before maybe concieving later than i thought,,,im going crazy and should make it clear that we was not trying for a baby at all,,,please help me get a clearer idea as to what is going on