Friday night at around midnight ( it is Thursday evening right now) I woke up because of a pain around my belly button, I couldn't move, call my parents from the other room for help, or take deep breaths. I hadnt eaten earlier because of my lack of appetite and I was very constipated. The pain stayed for a couple minutes until it moved to my lower right abdomen, it felt like I was getting stabbed. the pain stayed for about 15 minutes and hasn't come back since. I have an ache around my stomach and my Lower back. I have lost a lot of weight and for the past days ( Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) I have been dealing with a horrible cold. A fever is present, I have a very sore throat and I feel nauseous every morning, What could it possible be? Also, my period was due two days ago but it's late. If it helps, I am a 16 year-old female that has absolutely 0% chance of being pregnant. PLEASE HELP!