i took azithromcycin two months ago and 2 days after the dose i started to have full body itching. i was treated for chlamydia with a 4 tablet dose. my partner is itching too. its my arms, hands, feet, stomach, everywhere. when i itch my skin turns bright red and i get flesh colored bumps as well as broken blood vessels. i have been experiencing this for two months. i went to a dermatologist , the cremes dont help, anti allergy pills dont help. prdnisone helps but ive taken two different doses and he doesnt want to give me more. right now im on a 3 pill every other day, and on the off day im itchy again. is this the medication i took, or is it scabies or something else.. i dont have lines like the scabies suggestions.. i need help.. my partners experiencing the same thing