hii, my name is sherri, and i am 42 yrs old, have had 3 healthy children, 1 miscarriage, an 1 abortion. i had to have a full hysterechetomy in 2003, and have had other problems along the way, ive had car accidents resulting in spinal issues and had a shoulder surgery which continues to cause greaat paina nd problems, i also have arthrities, and fibromyalgia , here lately ive been having mifgraines, 2 or 3 times a week. i cant sleep at night and i cant calm down during the day and its starting to drive me crazy, i am on premarin for my hormones, prozac for a levelness i need, and ambien to help sleep when possible, i was on lortab and opana which helped immensely by just taking 1 ofa day. ech please help me find a dr or a program or both that will gt me back to the real me, less the pain.