Ok lets see. I have a few issues that seem to have kinda stacked up on me not sure if any related. First off about me. I am a white 36 year old male 6 6 285 lbs large framed so appearance in not obese but full. I have noticed the last couple years I have what seem from reading maybe a low T count just from reading around on symptoms. I have been a lot more tired then usual, gain weight, limbido has dropped greatly, I get emotional easy as in cry at stupidest things like tv or stories.I just have no energy or never feel I can get the rest I need.Along with this I have become an excessive sweater as I sweat even at rest. I need to have moving air or have temps at 65 to not really sweat. At 70 to 75 I feel like I m in a sauna . Heavy sweat under eyes and abdomen...I kind of feel this may be tied to me having gain weight last few years going from 85 hours construction to 50 hours computer web design job sitting in a chair but adding it as symptom...I also in last few months have developed a dull pain in my lower right abdomen slightly toward center just above the hip bone area. It hurts at random from a daily pain of 3 or 4 to times in an 8. To me it feels as if the area is bit swollen or inflammed if pushed directly on it does hurt more.or if I move in certain ways. I also noticed my belly button seems on the right side to feel as its kind of pushing outwards more then it has and if I push it feels like there is something there that can be pushed inward is the best I can described.......So far seems like a lot of things but have 2 more issues I have developed.. I have noticed since I was a teen or slightly before I get what I would described as a random heart beat. It can come at anytime. It feels like my heart pumps once real hard then is all out of rhythm and it causes me to loos breath, get tunnel vision and get weak as if I may pass out. It may only last a minute then it feels like a big thump in my chest and goes back into a normal rhythm and within a minute or so I m fine again.....Then I have for like maybe last 8-9 years had this thing where both my eyes in the white will get a huge pressure then become fulled engulfed in red as if blood vessels have pressure burst is how to me it feels. Not just a little pink they turn blood shot read and it really really hurts to turn my eyes in anydirection as if they have swollen and the back of them is rubbing in the socked when turned.They stay red and sore for a week or so then seem to slowly go back to normal...Oh not a long time thing but in the last 6 months a I have developed a lump on my left wrist if palm is up it is where the wrist and thumb meat come together. It started as a BB sized bump and is now the size of a large glass marble and in the last week is starting to cause discomfort and loss of strength in that hands grip.....Sooo seems I have alot going on. I have no doctor and other then being a small grade school kid have not seen any and wouldn t even know where to begin or what kind to see....So thats sweating, blown bloody eyes, abdominal pain , heart beat irregularity,tired worn out lack of sex drive, and now the mass in the wrist. My blood pressure does get high it used to be prehypertension but I have been working on it so it used to stay at like 170 over 75 and now its down to like 145 over 50 still not great.I do test myself at home for blood sugar/diabetes and seem to be fine at the correct levels.I never dip or rise really but few points depending as in 3-5 points.I am guessing i need to really see a doctor but no idea how to get a first doctor or what kind and then I have no insurance as can not afford it...Any suggestions, idea, recommendations or general help is appreciated.