what causes the stomach pain of a gastritis to act on the solar plexus, making heart tachycardia and anxiety. I control the anxiety quit good, but it causes pituitary gland and the sexual Chakra to interact, resulting in a turning disk of purple and deep pink red spiral and that opens me the third eye, traveling out of the body and finding myself in a nebula in outer space. If I turn the body to another side, i get to another place. That symptom happens while awake and i just need to close my eyes to travel. When solar chakra is seen, a golden disk with black number 6 appears, the numbers are multiple, it looks like a psychedelic arrangement. I am meditating often and can get in that state when i keep myself in a state of dieting and hypoglycemia . Then I control the effect, when it happens when the stomach pains, I can t and it brings me just anywhere. I have a light Barett-syndrom, a spot of a few millimeters, but permanent gastritis symptoms and any false step in food-taking results in sever pain. I made 40 years of power-lifting, resulting in a light stomach hernia and this hernia is destroying my whole life comfort. I use Nexium , i take it when such periods appear only. Recently the doc gave me Telmisartan Micardis, I stopped that mdecine because it causes short breath and did not well control the heart tachycardia. I got dehydratation problems resulting in stiff blood and heart arythmia what cause high blood pressure. I returned to Inderal for that problem of fast heart beat and it works best without any problems, Taking it just a few days leaves that symptoms pass by. I was anxious subject since ever and sometimes it goes just over my will-power which is quiet powerful, since I practice theurgic control of my sub-conscient, being a long time Hermetic Kabbalist teacher. Ayurveda and Yoga helps and meditation does well, but this too cannot repair broken pots. I repaired a lot on spiritual basis, but i stand face to a wall when I try to access the stomach.