Good afternoon, my name is Ms. Garland Nellom. I was diagnosed in 1999 with I.C. Since such time, I've been seen by many drs., hospitals, and pain management for I.C. Since 2007, I have too many flare-ups and have been in crisis. I currently live in Georgi and I am having difficulty finding a urologist to carry on my treatment since relocating 4 months ago. It has been extremely disheartening to hear the words "Can't Help You"! I am reaching out and have in the past, however I need you now more than ever because I am in crisis now and have been for approximately 1 week. I have visited 4 E.Rs in the past month. I was diagnosed with a U.T.I.. I am experiencing extreme spasms and pain before, during, and after voiding. I feel that having I.C. made me feel very alone. I've been told "it's all in your head", and it was as if I was speaking something foreign. I often when in an E.R., are they familiar with I.C.. If the answer is no...I already know what to prepare myself for; hours of waiting in pain, having to explain what is wrong while in pain; hurst to breathe, bottles of meds around the clock, and then finally to be seen and they say "can't help you"! CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! I have been state disabled because of my suffering and loss due to I.C. I prayed for all sufferers because of my own experiences. Being alone and needing someone to be close in case of emergency has been difficult for me. I don't have a support systm and have had to fight this battle alone. They are not too many people I have met that can fathom the pain and spasms I experience. However, I am grateful for those who have been there for me. I am 49, single, and very excited about the many possibilities my future holds. I want to be as healthy as possible to receive them. I am severly frustrated that still, since 1999, have yet to find something that works for me. Ive tried aloe vera water, cranberry juice, Elmiron, Pyridium, morphine, dilaudid, tylenol #3.
I would like to know of a Urologist that specializes I.C. in GA or neighboring states? Are therI know my retriggers...stress being the biggest! However, I'm not always stressed. I am hoping to reach someone who is compassionate and concerned about my well being.