Good afternoon sir/madam am suffering from allergic rhinitis(2004) asthma(2007)
acidity(2005) in 2004 they gave me metaspray for rhinitis, later they gave me rotahaler and rota caps for asthma for acidity they gave me the time is going on...... when i was ill i used to purchase the above medicine for some time and stopped the course after i getting relief.but the major problems are started from 2013 am severely ill and went to new doctors and am go through Endoscopy , HBS AG, ULTRA SOUND SCAN for acidity and chest ex-ray and mri scan for rhinitis and asthma.As usual they gave me pantocid dsr and chlordiazopoxide 10 mg for acidity, froresp nasal spray for rhinitis, montelukast-f unicontin 400, duolin rota caps and formoflow 250 transcaps(3months) for asthma so i used them and for the prescribed time.whenever i get ill am going to purchase all the medicines and get relaxed.Is there any permanent cure for all these ailments please suggest me sir/madam am now suffering from anxiety and irretated bowels,flatulence,acid flux, severe rashes all over the body in the evening time.yester day i went to doctor, he gave me equirex(6w -o-)remcc LM10(10 -o-)citovin forte(6w -o-)metrogyl 200(10days 0-0-0). I please request you to help me to overcome all the problems am always in depression and thoughts of suicide in my mind and am got married last year and i have lost sexual desire, more pressure on me i hope you people surely help me