I got a tragus piercing (the cartilage just infront of the ear canal ) some months ago. I cleaned it with sea water twice a day as instructed, but after a while i began to suspect the jewelry was too short. The back of the tragus (the pointy part) began to accumulate trapped lymph fluid and the piercing was only draining out of the back, I do not and never had a fever or swollen lymph nodes. I tried to change the jewelry to something that would allow the wound to drain itself more efficiently, but the back side of the hole healed over, The front side remains open only because the jewelry is have way in, I have used H202 to bubble the fluid out & found some success because the tragus did reduce in size, but I am not sure there is anymore fluid to be drained. Unfortunately though my affected tragus is still quite large in comparison to the other. If this issue is caused by some remaining fluid, how in the world do I get it out? I want my tragus to be normal size again & I am only keeping the jewelry in so that the wound can drain.