left wrist, kitten bit me top wright of the wrist playing. drew blood. immune system is very low, kept it clean, medicated, ect. next morning, redness around bite marks, but no topical pain. swelling appears at that time to have begun. Pain starts in the wrist, but only when used to pick up something, wash my face, anything that causes pressure while the wrist is not in a strait static position. That was last Sunday, deteriorated in pain all week, and now, anything but straight and static causes an extreme pain. Now hurts when moving wrist with no weight, and last 3 days, throbs while static. Have used Ice, now am tying heat, nothing is changing. Quick history, have arthritic condition (every where) just developed trigger finger in right hand and had injections which worked, compound fx's of thoracic vertebrates, have broken both shoulders, separately from falls in last 2 years. When x-ray r/hand for trigger, found I had a broken/healed wrist (opposite problem wrist). Type II Esophageal cancer 2 1/2 years ago, 5 weeks of radiation 2 weeks chemo, cancer free after surgery to do gastric pull, but ended up with stricture in connection is only 3mm open. Tube fed two years till infection ended tube feed and went on TPN. had 4 units of blood in last 3 weeks, hemoglobin up to 9.9 (from 7.5, platelets at 104, up from 60's, wbc from 1.6 to 3.4, Don't recall doing anything to the wrist physically?
Sorry for the length, wanted to give a total history...much more to tell, buy highly doubtful related, Thank you for your time!