Hi, I just finished a baseball game about 4 hours ago. I got hit in the ankle with the baseball on second base. It was a hit from the batter not a throw. It swelled and bruised immediately, I also couldn t put any weight on it. We iced it right away and the swelling went down. It was throbbing and very painful at the time. Once I made it home it seem to have gotten better, the swelling was almost gone and the bruising didn t get any worse but the throbbing is still there and most of all I have a very hard time putting weight on it. It throbs more and more the more I put weight on it. Also. Tried putting a tensor bandage on it and at first, only 30 seconds to a minute it felt good, but then it worsened and felt like daggers in my ankle. Is this something that I should just RICE, or should I get it checked out?