Greetings's my health issues....I've been in a relationship for long and me and my girl also make love without protection..but aside that,I met a mobile doctor who tested me and told me I have staph,and I was having some. Sever waist pain then,though I still feel it sometimes.but my surprise is that I tested for std's for 2good times,2diff hospitals n doctors.but nothing was found as I came out negative....back to the issue,all of a sudden after making love to my girl unprotected for somedays in diff occasions. I first started feeling some burning sensation n bump itching on the cap region of my penis...I didn't see a doctor to get tested,so I took to herbs n the burning sensation n icthing stopped,oh! I forgot to mention about the discharge,and it slowed too....and then again,sometimes my penis' skinp peels off a,please,what could posibly be my problem,n the solution to it? Thank you sir...