Had a CT scan done 08/11/2016 experienced migraine with aura, right sided migraine with left eye aura! I have had migraines for 35 years since I was ten DOB 02/03/1971- no health issues except osteoarthritis in both knees and chronic migraine.
I've always have left sided head pain with right eye aura first time it happened on right side, scared me! Anyway an hour later after taking fiorecet and exceeding migraine my tongue went numb and right side if my face, right arm numb and tingling for five hours!
I took mire fiorecet and laid down fir an hour pain in head went away numbness and tingling stated fir five hours, then went away! Went to doctor following day sent me fir CT scan, got results today normal findings!
Why the shift in side pain and he the numbness?