Hello , Thanks for your query, Treatment is based upon the severity of the
mucous cyst. Sometimes cysts may not require treatment and will heal on their own over time. Superficial cysts often resolve spontaneously. To prevent infection or tissue damage, do not try to open or remove cysts at home. Frequent or recurring cysts may require further medical treatment.
Treatments used in mucous cysts that are not very severe include:
laser therapy: a small, directed beam of light is used to remove the cyst
cryotherapy: the cyst is removed by freezing
intralesional corticosteroid injection: a small needle injects a steroid into the cyst to reduce inflammation and accelerate healing
To prevent recurrence—or to treat especially severe cysts—your doctor may recommend surgical removal of the cyst or even the complete
salivary gland.
Mucous cysts can take anywhere from a week to two years after treatment to heal, depending on the type and severity of the cyst. Even after healing, the only way to ensure a cyst will not come back is to have it surgically removed. Avoid habits like lip or
cheek biting to help prevent future cysts. with good health, best wishes. Regards, Dr.Sharmila