Hello and welcome to HCM
Your hemogram suggests that you have Anemia as your hemoglobin is low (8 gm%).
Normally, it should be above 11 gm% in Indian female population.
Pregnancy is a state of increased demands and if those demands are not met, deficiencies develop.
The most common type of anemia developing during pregnancy is
Iron deficiency anemia.
Iron is required for synthesis/ production of heme part of the hempglobin molecule. Iron is present in diet.
If there is decreased supply in diet or increased requirement by the body, iron deficiency develops.
However, further tests are required to know whether the anemia is due to iron deficiency or any other cause. So, you need to get RBC parameters done. It includes MCV, MCH and MCHC.
During pregnancy, iron-folic acid capsules are given to all pregnant women irrespective of their hemoglobin levels as pregnancy is a state of
physiological anemia.
See that you take iron-folic acid capsules in case you are taking them but do get the RBC parameters which I mentioned to rule out other causes of anemia.
platelet count is normal. Normal range for platelets is between 1.5 to 4.5 lakhs/ cubic millimeter.
Your urine report says that the physical features like pH and specific gravity are within normal limits.
Chemical examination reveals that no pathological constituents like glucose, proteins, bile salts, bile pigments,
ketone bodies or
urobilinogen are absent.
Only positive findings are presence of pus cells or leucocytes and presence of
epithelial cells.
Presence of these two cell types indicate infection in the
urinary tract.
You require an urine culture for the organism causing infection. A course of antibiotics will be required to eradicate the infection.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal