i had a kenalog injection about 3 weeks ago. a few days later, i got sinus infection , ear infection , and cough. i was on zithromax for 5 days. i got worse. i then developed a fever and was put on levaquin for 10 days. i eventually started to feel better but it made me very achey and nauseated. at times, i would throw up. i have been off all antibioitcs now for about 5 days or so, yet since finishing it up, i have a migraine that has developed and never left, accompanied by bouts or constipation and diarrhea. i am having severe abdominal cramping and if not throwing up, i am constantly nauseated. i tremble and get dizzy at times. i can no longer sleep more than an hour or two a night. could this be the the colitis levaquin warns about? a stomach virus? my IBS flaring up after 8 years? It s been almost a solid 5 days of doubled-over abdominal cramping, loose stool, extreme nausea, poor eating, and lack of sleep. do i need IV fluids? colonoscopy? endoscopy? Please help!!!!