I am looking for possible insight as to my son s medical problems. At age 12(2 yrs ago) he had appendectomy for perforated appendix. Adhesions noted in surgeons report. After surgery he had upper left abdominal pain . 3 weeks later (surgeon ignoring pain post op) he was hospitalized with bowel obstuction. After 2 weeks in hospital he was released still having the same pain. He has been seen since by Gastro . Symptoms continued with constipation. Now-3 doses daily Miralax. Having daily bm. He is on a high fiber, lots of fresh foods diet with plenty of water and exercise. Chronic pain is affecting daily life. Testing has never shown a root cause :endoscopy, colonoscopy, xrays, gastrograff in enema. Even when bowels totaly empty after gastrograff, pain in left abd. remains. When the pain is the worst he hunches over, not able to stand straight. Recently tried anti-spasmotic bentyl, did not help pain at all. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. They have said IBS-C could be cause. My concern is that all syptoms started post-op. Seems like there is a correlation.