I am sorry to hear that.
Here are ways to see that situation.
The blooding which was noticed by your wife is form the vagina and not from the
urethra (opening for urine), the blood can occur due to many reasons
1) The placenta (the lump of tissue that serves as connection from uterus to baby serves as a pipe for supplying nutrition to baby from mother) is attached to inner wall of uterus, the attachment site is where the blooding can happen , the disruption of attachment can lead to the bleeding causes of disruption are
a) forced intercourse during
pregnancy , b) heavy working, c) heavy aerobics/ exercise, d) running/ pressing on belly, e) accidental slipping and falling. these can lead the connection detachment.
2) The placenta can also be detached due to body's way of working with out any trauma as mentioned above, a) Infection, b) irritable/contracting uterus, c) location of placental attachment on lower portion of uterus, d) previous scars due to abortion/infection
Now here is the advice to be taken care for next pregnancy.
1) Wait for around 8-10 months before trying for next pregnancy (reason- body need to replanish the loss of nutrient which were wasted in prior abortion).
2) Get Your wife and your self for any existing infection in the genitals or urinary track, and keep on monitoring ever 2 months till the pregnancy occurs.
3) once pregnant get the mother checked for
T –
Toxoplasmosis / Toxoplasma gondii
O – OTHERS (Coxsackievirus,
Syphilis, Varicella-
Zoster Virus, HIV, and
Parvovirus B19.)
R – Rubella
C – Cytomegalovirus
H –
Herpes simplex virus-2
4) Avoid traumatic situation as mentioned in points above and consult ob/gyn for diet and other issues like regular checkup as advised by him/her.