Thanks for your health concern.
You need to consult an
Infertility Specialist.
A thorough evaluation of the reasons for being unable to conceive needs to be done.
Firstly, your husband's
semen analysis should be done.
NExt , your blood tests should be done to know your hormonal status.
These include - FSH, LH, TSH, Prolactin, OGTT.
ovarian reserve should be assessed by a baseline pelvic
transvaginal ultrasound scan and measurement of AMH level.
Also, a cycle of follicular monitoring should be performed to know if you are ovulating properly.
If ovulation is not on track, ovulation inducing agents like Clomiphene Citrate should be taken.
If 3 - 6 cycles of
ovulation induction fail, then a laparoscopy should be done.
THis will assess status of your fallopian tubes.
IF the fallopian tubes are blocked, IVF is the only option ahead.
Take regular folic acid supplements and maintain ideal BMI.
All the best and take care.