i got a dry rasping cough a couple of weeks ago which started to subside. Then a runny nose developed a week into it. This has dried up, but I do feel i have catarrh . Then, four days ago, i lost my voice but my throad is not sore. For the last three days, i felt my left ear block . I tried to clear it by blowing down my nose, whilst pinching it, but this failed. I could not get to see my Doctor, but managed to see the nurse, who said that my eardrum was retracted. She gave me some antibiotics and said i had sinusitis . The chemist was reluctant to give me decongestants because I had a virus a couple of years ago which developed into labrynthitis and was very severe. This has left me with balance problems. The blocked ear is only adding to the list! Will the blocked ear clear with the antibiotics?