Hi. I need some urgent advice. My boyfriend and I fooled around a bit on the 27th of Oct 2012. We did not have penetrative sex, but out of fear of pre-ejaculate , and generally to be on the safe side I took an ipill within 24 hours. I had bleeding that started exactly 7 days afterwards (3rd Nov) which I m told is withdrawal bleeding and a likely side effect of taking the ipill. My last periods started on the 20th of Oct, and I expected this months to start on the 18th or 19th of Nov, but they still haven t come. But despite not getting my periods, I suffered from some of my usual period symptoms like abdominal bloating and slight backache the past 2 days. I also experienced a mild brown staining (not exactly blood ) which began the exact day I expected my periods to start. Is this a delayed period, a possible side-effect of the high ipill hormones, or am I *yikes* pregnant?