I am female, almost 80, and have had hypertension since l975. I have known for several years that not only do I have morning hypertension, but if I lie down for a couple of hours my pressure goes up. Recently I had to discontinue my HCYZ because of a low (127) sodium. My doctor increased my Benicar from 10mg. daily. I am now up to 30mg. daily, which is not controlling my B/P It is 170-180 diastolic in the morning when I get up, and goes down to 130-140 diastolic mid-morning. Occasionally it will go down to 120 for short periods. If I lie down in the afternoon, which I have to do because of a bad back, it will go back up to 150-160. The systolic is always ok. I have tried spreading the dose of Benicar, which doesn't seem to help. Do you think Benicar is the med. for me? I am also on Aldomet 500mg 4xd, Coreg 6.5mg.2xd,Nerontin 2mg. 4xd, Hydrocodone 7.5mg 4xd, Flecianide 50mg 2xd, Plavix 75mg qd,Zetia 10mg qd, Tricor 145mg.qd, and Spiriva inhaler qd