Hi there. Concern regarding cycle and chance of pregnancy. I track on a calendar, and every 27 days, I get my period. I had the last day of my cycle on the 24th of Jan 2012. My fiance and I had intercourse, and he went inside. I knew I should have told him not to, but I suppose I thought he wouldn t. My concern is pregnancy. He convinced me not to get Plan B. The issue is this: If I am pregnant, I cannot get a cervical cancer biopsy done that is scheduled for March. Obviously doing so will kill the baby...so I have a HUGE issue. I have never been sure about how to read my cycle (ex: luteal stage, etc) but I did a online calculation and it said my luteal stage is 15 days...whatever that means...but I am worried, as I don t want to risk myself or the baby if I am pregnant. Can anyone advise me on the chances of being pregnant are? Help? :(