Hi and thanks for the query,
Persistent of these draining and intensity, there might be two main possibilities.
First, the description is indicative of infection of a classical
pseudomonas sp infection. It might be possible that the bacteria causing the infection are resistant to the drug used, or the drugs might be in inappropriate dosages. Increasing the dose, reorienting the anti biotherapy and including injectable antibiotics for the start might be important gateways.
Secondly, the
incision and drainage might not be very appropriate. Wound dressing and evaluation of pus pouches need to be evaluated and incision either increased to increase wound access or improve drainage and cleaning.
Doing a culture and sensitivity tests to be more specific in management could be very appropriate. Terrains of
immunosuppression could be underlying causes that should also be considered.
Diabetes screening is a common cause of poor healing and a good culture for
bacterial growth.
I suggest you meet your family physician first, or treating physician for a proper clinical evaluation.
thanks and best regards,
Luchuo, MD.