Hi, I had my mirena inserted 5 years ago, I never realized this, but am now realizing that the problems with my body may have been from the mirena. I removed it on Friday 8/17/12. I know of since April, I have been running a low grade fever, anywhere from 99.1 to 100.6, I believe I had it for longer, just never checked. In the morning, or when I am low stress, it will be normal, but 80% of the time I had a low grade fever. I have also suffered from a sciatic nerve for the last 3 years, chronic hip pain (inflammation/ bursitis (as the DR. diagnosed)),I have also been diagnosed with bursitis in the shoulder, bursitis s in the knee, and inflammation of the sacroiliac joint . I have also over the past 3 years developed extremely severe depression. I am currently diagnosed with bipolar with severe anxiety. I have severe anxiety attacks almost daily. Other symptoms have included; hair falling out, change in hair texture, severe acne, change in sweating habits (never had a problem with BO before, deodorant doesn t work for me, even clinical strength), weight loss (60 lbs), loss of appetite, extreme exhaustion, lack of ability to get out of bed some days due to being weak (physically and mentally), muscle weakness, lack of strength, frequent infections (yeast maybe?), sinus infections are more common for me now (or really any sickness for that matter), dry eyes , feeling of dehydration, dry mouth, short term memory problems, dry and oil skin (flaky on body, with acne and also flaky skin on face). I removed it on Friday and now I am having severe night sweats since Saturday. They are waking me up, I am drenched. I am not in a good financial position to be tested, working with the State to get proper coverage, was denied medicaid, working on a health insurance. I had to quit my job, because I could no longer work with all my symptoms, even working on SSI right now. I was able to find a Dr. that would see me one time and they believe I may have a Auto immune disease, (thyroid and lupus were mentioned). They said I need to be tested and that the blood test would cost a lot because they would be testing me for 87 different diseases. MRI 2 1/2 years ago did not show anything with the severe joint inflammation I seem to be going through. Could everything I am going through be caused by the Mirena and I had a severe problem with it and no Dr. ever caught because they are not common symptoms ( or are they)? Is there a chance that now I am having night sweats it may have forced me into pre menopausal? Could Mirena possibly taken away my ability to conceive? I am 34. To note, I know that I need to see someone, but I want to know what I could be facing.