Hi all, Please help as I am in extreme tension for my life. On 24th February, 2013 i had intercourse with a prostitute with two condoms-on. Post the sexual activity I checked the condoms thoroughly and they didn t broke or leaked at all. Though my worry does not concerns the intercourse rather its regarding the fingering act that i did with her before our intercourse. I am not sure about the time but small part of my side skin of the nail of thumb of right hand was teared sometime nearby that night and but as far as i remember i only inserted my fingers in her vagina (may be thumb but only in outer part of vagina). Now 13 days later i have begun to feel aches in my back, sweating more that others (not specifically night sweats ), sudden pains in armpits, in nerves of hand and legs, once in anus area also, elbows n other ankle area. During second week my fever was between 98.4 to 99.15 constantly every day n night (might be due excessive stress and anxiety) and i was also sweating at night more than a normal person would. At times (at present also) my body starts heating-up (burning from inside) though not feverish on measuring temperature. Is this a sign of spreading of HIV infection in the body? I feel a lot of numbness also in my hands n legs many times a day. Other information: I got the latest ELISA tests done as follows: For me @ 2nd March, 2013 i.e. 6 days after possible exposure For her @ 4th March, 2013 i.e. 8 days after possible exposure, and both tested negative. When i ask her about her symptoms she tells me that she is perfectly fine and that she always uses a condom with every client she goes with. I am very scared for my life being under threat of this deadly infection. Please advice on my chances of being infected. Thanks! Also please let me know that do the pus cells count in my urine test i.e. 8-10 have anything to do with HIV infection?