emergency contraceptive pill is very much effective in prevention of unwanted
pregnancy. Though it gives 95% protection if it is taken within first 24 hrs.
Here, chance of pregnancy is less, but you should confirm it by one home pregnancy test initially and later
blood test for beta-HCG.
You got 2nd time bleeding due to withdrawal effect of the pill and it is quite common & normal phenomena.
Your upcoming period is not clear and presents with spotting only due to effect of the pill, causes
hormonal imbalance. you can wait max 7 days to get normal period.
Even after 7 days, if you do not get your period, then you may need to undergo some investigation like USG pelvis, hormonal assay etc to rule out underlying pathology if any after consultation with gynecologist.
Avoid stress, take healthy diet with
iron supplements, eat more vegetables/fruits and drink more water, control body wt and take proper sleep. Practice safe sex in future.
Be well.