Hi -I have a good deal of puffyness under my eye on the right side of my face and a slightly swollen eyelid-Had a 3 day stomach virus in which I lost a lot of fluid due to persistant diarehhea,,,,,took like 3 amonium caplets one night and 2/3 of a bottle of pepto -bismol over the next 2 days...neither stoped it......but seem to have it mostly out of my system now...back to non-fluid stools........have a few other slight blotches on the body.......which I treated with alcohal and witch hazel......put a little of each around the eye but just seemed to make it worse, also has not responded that well to ice..............I also get allegeric(grass symtoms this time of year) but been indoors the last few days because of this...............what do you suggest......was thinking of taking one claritan-don't usually take allegery medicine to battle symptoms unless I do get puffy eyes but not sure if this is a reaction to the stomach flu itself or medicine......would taking one claritan dry me out to much just coming off losing a lot of fluid...