Hi Guys,
Thanks for the feedback.
I saw my doctor today and he prescribed me with medication. 1 Sachet of an orange flavored drink to drink once. That was it. It was a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) which I had guessed but knowing me I panic way to much until it is confirmed by a professional. My doctor said it is common. Especially since it was my first time and I am not use to sexual activity.
For other girls reading this I would like to advise you to, after sexual intercourse try and pee. Yeah I know you would want to cuddle but sexual mushy stuff, pee then cuddle. =)
Hope this helps other girls.
i have been having unprotected sex and i have noticed i have started to pee alot and itch. i looked in mirror and i noticed a few spots or lumps when i touch them it hurts alot and when i pee it hurts also when i itch it makes it irritated and worse ? i am underage , please help me