January 18th, after being about four days late for my period (which is usually very regular), I tested, got a negative (though I think I accidentally peed on the control window), and then two days later I had a very strange period that was much shorter (about 2.5 days, total duration) and a lot lighter than normal (one day of moderate bleeding - as opposed to a first day of my typical heavy bleeding) and then a day and a half of spotting). Cut to Feb. I d say I m probably somewhere between 8-10 days dpo right now, and my boyfriend and I definitely had sex within a day or two of my ovulation . Two days ago, I had some light spotting - it was dark pink/light brown, the consistency was like egg-whites, and needed one pantyliner and then was done. For about 4-5 days or so, I ve had egg-white mucus whenever I go to the bathroom. Sometimes it s on my underwear, sometimes it s not, but it s often there when I wipe. My nipples are VERY sore - to the point where I accidentally brushed a dish against one last night and it hurt. But even more oddly, I ve developed these tiny brown spots...sort of scabby...on my areolas. I picked one off (ewww), and so did my boyfriend - but a few more seem to have appeared over night. My appetite has been strange - sweets such as cake, which I normally love, have made me queasy. And I find myself feeling slightly nauseated when I lay down at night. Yet, also hungry at odd times. (I got out of bed last night and ate a hard-boiled egg.) I honestly don t know what to think. We ve been not trying, not preventing for about ten months, though with our work schedules, we only make love about once a week right now and definitely not always near my fertile days. We both want a baby, though, so I m trying not to get my hopes up.