I am 46 yo and ttc. last lmp ws 20th november 2012, however I ovulated on the 3rd decmber 2012, had sx with partner the day after. Not sure wat s happening. I am on blood thinners for a heart operation I had n october 2012, however, on top of that I have been taking folic acid for a few months before the operation. Since the 4th December, 6dpo, I have experienced a sharp stabbing pain on the left side of uterus , the side I ovulated from, then nothing for 4 days, then cramps began and haven t stopped. I had a light bleed for two days two days after xmas day, and nothing since, I have had sore bbs, vomitted new years eve, sore nipples , bbs have felt heavy, and more cramping accompnied with back ache, lower back ache since the 14th december2012. My cycle is between 28-42 days. However, I ovulated on the 14th day of my cycle, and believe we may have bn successful in conceiving I do not know,. Could I possibly be pregnant?