it may sound absurd. but this is causing nightmares. So here goes-
Me and my fiance were making out. it got passionate, we never had an intercourse, but i think i felt some wetness from his underwear. He had it on,i didnt. we stopped then, and to rule out any complications, i had an i pill. this happened on 4 MAy 2013. My last period was on 25 April 2013. After the i pill, i had a period sort bleeding from 13MAy 2013, which lasted almost till 18 MAy 2013. When should i expect y next period to be? will it be on 25th MAy? or will it be 13 June? I m confused and worried. i know the chances are less to pregnant, as i am a virgin, and we never had an intercourse. and i had an ipill withing 4 hours. but when should i really start wondering or get a pregnancy test. also is a home pregnancy test reliable or should i get an ultrasound or blood test? I am worried and very tensed, i would appreciate if you could be sensitive about my situation.