I'll try to provide all the relevant details as I can. I had intercourse with a Korean prostitute exactly eight days ago. I wore a condom, but near the end, the condom broke. Other than the brief contact caused by the breakage, we did not kiss, nor did we perform any kind of oral activity. While it has only been a little over a week and I have no observable signs of infection, I am a little worried - enough so that I am writing a health query on this website. It makes sense to me that prostitutes have a greater probability of being infected. But as a working-girl in a bar, it also seems reasonable that she is very careful in regards to sexual activity. It is mandatory for Korean workers to be tested every three months, she provided the condom, and she didn't display any perceiveable signs of infection. I am twenty-three years old. I was last tested in the summer and this is the first sexual encounter I have had since. In my life history, I have had six sexual partners. I live in Korea. As soon as my next paycheque arrives I think I ought to go and get tested, at least so that I may have some peace of mind and allay my anxiety. Still, my question is certain: is there a good probability, in considering the information I provided and your professional expertise, that I contracted some kind of infection? Does this question betray an ignorance on my behalf? Any answer would prove vaulable to me...