Here are the possibilities that can lead to slow swallowing.
Achalasia cardia - this is condition in which the oesophagus muscle has an issue and can't work normally..
2) Diffuse esophageal spasm - spasm of random area of esophagus
3) Scleroderma- Systematic disease that an cause hardening of esophagus by fibrous replacement instead of muscle cell.
4) Gastric reflux- Peptic strictures - (
acid reflux makes some obstructed area at the entrance of stomach)
5) Esophageal cancer due to prolonged reflux disease.
Due to multiple cause its only possible to pinpoint the diagnosis with few diagnostic tests as below
1) Esophageal manometry- where pressure of esophagus is measured (for Achalasia cardia rule out)
2) Barium swallow x rays (peptic strictures / cancer rule out)
3) Endoscopic
biopsy to check if the tissue in cancerous or not
The treatment is different depending the cause of the disease.
CONSULT GASTROENTROLOGIST (Stomach/intestine doctor)