Thanks for posting your query to HCM.
After reading your query I can make out the possibility of
fungal infection of the penile area known "Candidal balanoposthitis". It starts as mild burning sensation followed by
redness and later on moist whitish flakes over the skin. If the condition is not taken care of then leads to small cuts over prepucial skin and later on difficulty in retraction of the skin backwards.
I am suggesting some points regarding betterment of the situation:
1. Do saline compression over the affected area at least 3-4 times a day. Use normal saline for the same, if you can not buy that then can prepare it at home also by adding a pinch of salt in a glass of boiled water. You can use luke warm water soaked in cotton for 5 minutes each time.
2. Apply plain antifungal cream under medical guidance in a very thin layer so that it should not be visible by naked eye along with above measures enumerated.
3. If you are not getting anything better by above measures then you need to consult a good
dermatologist who can prescribe you oral anti-fungals also to treat it early.
4. Avoid unprotected sex in future.
Hope to have provided the best information regarding your problem.
Dr Sanjay K Kanodia
MD (Dermatology)