Hi ! Good evening. I am Dr Shareef answering your query.
I would like you to take note of the fact that a negative urine
pregnancy test is not a 100% guarantee against pregnancy.Also due to the external
hormonal effects, the number of days and flow can change in a normal period also. Therefore, to know whether there is a pregnancy or not, if I would have been your family physician, I will advise you for a serum
HCG test, and if need be an
ultrasound of the pelvic organs which will be a final confirmatory test for a suspected pregnancy.
At the same time, I will take this opportunity to counsel you a bit for your safety. I am not aware about your sexual life - whether it is a single or multiple partners. Whatever the case may be, it is always safer to go for a protected sex than to have unprotected one, and then be in a lot of
anxiety state not only for a suspected pregnancy, but also for other medical complications of an unprotected sex of which you must be well aware about. So take care for future.
Thanks for using heatlhcaremagic portal for your health query. Good luck.