Dear Doctor, I am a 27 year old female who last year had unprotected sex with 2 partners and used protection with 2 other partners for a total of 4 partners. Last month I noticed a small rough, non-symptomatic growth near the urethral opening. 3 weeks later another one surfaced in the same region of characteristic. Both have remained since its initial appearance with no changes. Also I have several raised lesions different from the first 2 only on the left inner side of the labia minora that can be itchy, and on the frenulum labiorum pudendi. They do not have the rough consistency of the other bumps and are smaller and flatter. These come and go lasting only a day or 2. I was afraid they were genital warts and tried the vinegar test which turned them white. I saw a gynecologist last week who told me they are not warts and they are nothing to be concerned about. However, I am extremely worried they are warts and would like you opinion. I would like to upload a picture so you have a better idea but I am not sure how. Any advice is greatly appreciated.