So, I m a 16 year old girl. I lost my virginity on thursday the 27th,december 2012. I honestly really did not want to have the sex at all, but it was with someone I trusted. I told him to stop plenty of times but he said just let me do it. So it happened. I lost my virginity. I look on my calender for my period on my phone app, and it said that was the day I was ovulating!!!!! After me and him had sex (we were wearing a condom) he took it out and realized that the tip of the condom broke!! I started freaking out. I ran to the bathroom and this sounds kind of gross, but i took out some of the c** from my vagina . He runs in and tells me he s going to run and get the next choice one dose pill and he says it will stop me from getting pregnant, even if i am ovulating. I took the emergency contraception pill in one hour and a half and I was standing up for a good portion of the rest of the day. I m so scared and my period is supposed to be expected on January 9th 2013! Today I noticed slight lower stomach pain and slight back pain . And my breasts hurt a little. I live in Washington State where parent involvement is not required and I can not have my parents knowing. I am seriously scared for my life! Does the emergency contraception pill work if I was ovulating that day and took the pill under two hours of having sex? I m so scared!!!! If this helps, we realized the condom broke at 2:30 and I took the pill at about 4. Help please!!!!! I regret this so much, I m a strong christian that doesn t want to have an abortion but might need too! and I m planning on going to a huge university!!! I realize what I did was so wrong and I just cant stop freaking out!