I am 21 years old and a college athlete. I have a fairly regular 27-28 day cycle. Last period began on 10/1 and ended on 10/5. I had unprotected sex on 10/6. My partner pulled out. Found out I had chlamydia and BV on 10/16, at witch time I was treated for both. Symptoms of both infections have since subsided. Soon after, so around 10/22-23ish, I began to have clear/creamy discharge. It is very unlike the BV/Chlamydia symptoms in the sense that there is no itchiness or fish like odor present. I also began to experience nausea, cramping, and fatigue. If I am ever late it is only a day or two. My period was due on 10/28, it did not come. On 10/31 I felt some vaginal tightening as if my period was going to begin, but when I checked there was only discharge. I am now 7/8 days late for my period and am still experiencing pregnancy like symptoms. I took a urine pregnancy test and received a negative outcome. My concern is that I still feel like I may be pregnant. Could I have just received a false negative because my HCG levels are not high enough? Or am I just feeling pregnant because I am over-stressing?!