Greetings. On the earlier of June, I had a protective sex with a prostitute but I also received unprotective oral sex from her. On the 9th week, I was tested HIV negative, however my neutrophil was 79 and lymphocyte was 14, WBC was 7.7 (normal range is 4 to 11). Doctor said that my white cells are unremarkable. After 4 months later, I went for a blood test again to test my blood count, neutrophil was up to 80 and lymphocyte was down to 11. Previously on July, I have skin rash (urticaria), so doctor gave me a steroid injection to curb the inflammation. On earlier August, I had a stiff neck after I woke up, whenever I turn my head to right or left, it still hurt till today. Should I be worry about HIV infection? Thanks