Hi doctor Samuel, I have a question;
I am nineteen years old and I had unprotected sex with one of my best friends. He ejaculated into me- and I took the morning after pill straight afterwards. Then we had sex two more times but he did not ejaculate inside of me. Four days have passed and I have been to my doctor and she said that it is far too early to tell if I am pregnant or not. I have done pregancey test and the result window said negative and I am some what relieved however, when I took the morning after pill, I chewed it, and swallowed it but I felt a little bit in between my teeth.I didn't have any water or anything to aid in it going into my blood stream. I'm really worried that I might be and I don't know what to do. Are the chances of me being pregnant high? I had the pill and the tests said negative, I just don't know if the pill worked fully, is there any way to tell? Thank you,