good day!
i have a question pertaining to microalbumin levels in urine.....i did a health screening and my urine microalbumin was 65 MG/L, urine creatinine 11 MMOL/L and hence microalbumin: creat ratio was 5.8 MG/MMOL (benchmark in report was provided as 3.4). So my question is: is there anything to be worried about with regards to my kidney function...damage, leakage....should i get a retest as this may be a one off reading?
here are some additional points to take note of with regards to my health screening: 1) my blood kidney fuction tests came out ok i.e creatinine is 89 which was within the range(as well as others i.e potassium, chloride etc), liver funtion tests were ok and lastly urinanalysis were all good (i.e no protein, ketones, glucose etc)
thanks a million