by aisha910, 29 minutes My boyfriend and I been together going on 3years and we been trying to conceive. We been trying for over a year now but anyways my cycle was feb 23, 2013 and I got off feb 27, 2013 and we had unprotected sex on the last day of my cycle which was the 27th then a day or 2 later I got clear watery discharge but not itch or burn at all, very bad low back pain and lil cramps on the left side of my abdomen . These pains started a few days after we had sex and its still happening til this day march 12, 2013. We always make love and were trying for a baby. I went to the doctor and she said its not a urinary infections and she had me pee in a cup and she pressed down on my abdomen and it hurted. I m not for sure what to think or do and my next cycle should start march 23rd or so. Somebody please help