dear friend.
thanks for sharing your concern.
this is absolutely not related to your wisdom tooth extraction
these symptoms that you have mentioned could be of two things that i suspect.
they are acute
tonsillitis or it could be a viral infection.
that is because your throat symptoms like difficulty in swallowing and pain suggest that you have an infection.(acute tonsillitis).
but your headache,
sinus pain and ache all over the body is suggesting towards viral etiology.
also you have mentioned this has happened within 2to 3 days.that means whether it is viral or is acute in nature.
therefore i would suggest you to visit your physician and get yourself examined for both these things.
after which, you can start your suitable antibiotics on consultation.
till then you can relief yourself by doing the following.
take tab
combiflam 500 mg every six hourly for three days.
also do warm saline rinses after food this will reduce your
throat infection.
have you had tonsillitis earlier as it is recurrent in nature?if so go for proper evaluation and treatment.
till then avoid spicy and oily foodstuff. i would say relax, as
stress aggravates your viral diseases.
till then take care.
hope it helps.