my son is downsyndrome ,24years old.He has seizures and tics,.He is on keppra,25ml at night,and topama 100ml,2 of them and 2 25ml at night, and one metoprolol ,25ml,in the mornings,for thyroid .The DR. wants to keep him out of School for 3 months,but I dont see that being so.To me thats like making him being away from the things he loves.Plus I am on staff at Funerals homes as a soloist here in my city,and Singing is my Life, for over 60,years.Since the thyroid iodine treatment Josiah, has had 19,tics and 5 seizures,.However I did send him to Drew Transition Center today,but Friday the DR. faxed info to School about him staying away for fear of hurting himself. Please give me in your opinion