Thank you for asking question on health care magic.
Once the patient gets
seizure place some blunt object in between teeth so that he will not bite his tongue.
Loosen the clothes,turn him to one side for easy flow of secretions from the mouth and hold him so that he will not fall from the bed.
Diazepam intravenous injection usually aborts an attack.
for general management of bed ridden patient:
change the patient from side to side every 1 hour ,rub spirit to the pressure points, dust with powder and keep the bed linen clean to prevent bed sores.
drain the urine through an indwelling catheter, wear adult size huggies and change soon after he passes motion
sponging the whole body with warm water at least two times a day, brush teeth daily and clean the mouth
Hope this answer will serve your purpose
Please feel free to ask any more queries if required
Take care
Dr.M.V.Subrahmanyam MD;DCH
Associate professor of pediatrics