Hi! My mother aged 63 with history of diabetes & hypertension for p[ast 12 years underwent Executive checkup. Her ECG was abnormal and so was TMT which was highly positive for excised induced reversible Myocardial Ishemia. We consulted cardiologist who prescribed Angiography. The Result of Angiography are as under.
Left Main : Osteal plaque with 40 % stenosis
LAD : Minor Plaque
LCX : OM I is 100 % occluded, distal vessel fills through Collaterals.
RCA : Dominant, MID 100 % occluded. Renal Angio : Minor plaque.
We were advised Stress Thallium to decide nest course of action. On consulting our regular doc he asked us to consult his known Cardiologist, who recommended CT Angio. We did CT Angio and the results are as under.
Proximal RCA is thin in Calibre with Occlusion in Mid - RCA, Distal RCA & PDA are of thin Calibre
The LM Shows and ostial narrowing of Approx 25-30 %
The Distal LM Shows a Non - Stenotic calcified plaque which extends across the CX ostium. The OM I is not visualized suggestive of complete occlusion. The rest of CX & Ramus shows no significant stenosis.
The Proximial LAD and distal most LAD show eccentric calcified plaques causing trivial narrowing.
We were suggested Angioplasty but also told it might not be successful as getting it done in RCA is typical job. We decided to go for stress thallium to check the blood flow to decide further as don't want to take any chances. However all of sudden my mom developed serious arthritis which is serious. Her knee joints, both shoulders, wrists, ankles thighs are paining with inflammation in different parts and she is unable to move or even get up from bed. The physician has asked for blood test, i.e. Uric Acid, RA Factor, CPK, CBC.
We are worried, if this related to her double vessel disease? What should we do in this? Is stress thallium only way to decide on vascularization? What should be our next course of action? On one hand her cardic issue and now this? Please guide us? Is bypass necessary? Or even Angioplasty is helpful? What about this artritis?
Our family has history of CAD, specially my mothers side...this increases our worry. Please suggest