Hello and welcome to HCM,
I can understand your concern regarding your daughters condition
At the offset let me mention that most of the kids in that age group have similar problems and it is the way they develop immunity
Furthermore, the
dark circles can be due to many reasons including infection for which you need to continue the treatment suggested by the paediatrician till such time that the circles disappear completely which may take anywhere between two weeks to two months.
Regarding the permanent solution:
1. Your daughter has recurrent infection so it means that she has both tonsils and
2. She breathes through the mouth which implies that the adenoids are causing nose block
3. Taking these into consideration I would ask you to get her evaluated by an ENT so that a decision on removal of tonsils and adenoids can be made
4. This is a simple surgery which can ensure that your daughter will not have recurrent
cold and
cough and also her nose block will become better.
5. Furthermore if her focus of infection like the tonsils are removed then her dark circles may also become better
6. This is an
elective surgery so you can do proper investigation and questioning before embarking on the same
hope your doubts are cleared and i would be happy to clear any more that you may have
Dr Sriram Nathan