my brother has paranoi sychosis, had to get him admitted to carseview dundee nearly 3 wks ago as the same day we got a call to say my older brother had died due to cancer after bein diagnosed in late april, i myself have advanced breast cancer which is in my liver now, my brother keeps thinkin things are on the net about him and people speakin about him etc, he now think cos my brother died of cancer and iv had it 5 yrs he will get it to, how do i help him over this, some days hes taking a step forward then the next hes awa back, do you get leaflets he can read about paranoi to help get these thought out his head, sometimes wen he fones and says that was all in my head was it, we say yeh keep goin forward, then he will step back and say if you somethin about me would you tell me, i told him wen you get they thoughts in your head just keep sayin out loud its only rubbish its not true, he lives with my mum whos 78 so its a lots for all of us too cope with, he had a day at home then the next day it was over nite but he could not handle it, foned me 7.30 in mornin and i told him fone the hospital , tell them wats wrong with you, my mum had to get in the middle of the nite with him til he settled, does paranoi eventually leave you