1.do you still ovulate when you have the Mirena IUD placed?
2.how long after having intercourse on the Mirena and the pull out method, would a pregnancy test be accurately have the correct results?
I only recently had intercourse on 6/27, 6/28, & 6/30, but since then i have noticed several mornings where i have been extremely nausea, one morning with vomiting, some slight lower abdominal pains, frequency urination, that foods that i did not like 2 weeks ago are suddenly are good, and even though i might be nausea's i still want something to eat, and that I have been a little more emotional than normal, and because I have started to notice these things it started me thinking, and started the concern that I wouldn't have any clue on if I could or am possible pregnant because i have no clue of when I would be ovulating, or if/when I could possible be pregnant. and i have no clue on what to do or how to figure this out.